Procedures around cranes are put in place to guide and incorporate standards with regards to administrative, operational and maintenance requirements. With the busy industries we find ourselves in, it is easy for procedures to become outdated or a gap to form between procedures and practice.
The “gap” can sometimes result in maintenance practices that are insufficient, resulting in having to overhaul or replace the crane. An overhead crane is equipment that can have a significant impact on the operations, financially, if the correct solution is not undertaken. (Hundreds-of-thousands vs Millions)
When a “gap” has formed, major intervention is required initially to resolve the underlying issues and implementing the required intervals for updates for periodic alignment. This is to ensure the practical/execution side follows the procedures. CrEng assesses the clients practices and their procedures to identify the gaps and offers the service of alignment in both categories.
A general overhaul and crane replacement requires an engineered and detailed scope of work to ensure that the correct work is completed and/or equipment is supplied. CrEng offers the services of creating a business case (along with the detailed scope of work) to provide details on the difference, technically and financially, on the option of an overhaul versus a replacement.
CrEng offers the services of analysing your systems and procedures to ensure that there is alignment between procedure and legislation/standards as well as procedure and practice/execution. At CrEng, Our highly experienced team has provided many successful business cases and scopes of work, to ensure that the client benefits both technically and financially from the outcome.